
Welcome to Club Synergy!

We are an online community of active people. We use a whole lot of support and a good dose of accountability to encourage exercise and get work stuff done!

Our name sums us up... We are all about the synergy that happens when the incredible benefits of exercise are combined with supportive business connections in our wonderful community.

I wanted to build a community for you to experience increased productivity, creativity, focus and growth associated with an active, connected, lifestyle. I wholeheartedly embrace physical activity to manage my business life, and I want YOU to access these benefits too.

Come and join our friendly, sharing community and experience exercise as a catalyst for work and business.





Body – Exercise

No-one said work has to be done at a desk…

Exercise makes the brain work better. There is up to a 50% increase in creativity and ideas generated with movement instead of sitting at a desk. Alongside the benefits of increased mood and energy levels, getting some physical activity into your day really boosts your input and performance at work.

With more of us working from home, it’s critical to cater for your own personal needs alongside the business needs. This can help avoid burnout and the negative impacts this has on you and your business.

If you are struggling to find time in your working week to exercise, Club Synergy can solve this.

We integrate exercise into your weekly work schedule, combining it with accountability and support to achieve your fitness and work goals at the same time.


Mind – Connection

Club Synergy offers a supportive and connected business network where you can really feel part of something – like we are your extended team.

Working on your own can feel lonely at times, Club Synergy helps you feel like part of something, a community of people who understand the ups and downs of small business and are ready to share.

You can experience personal and business growth and celebrate your wins with people who understand the pains you’re facing and gains you are making.

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Business – Accountability

We focus on building deep business relationships so that the advice you gain to help achieve your goals and navigate more difficult times comes from people you trust.

Sometimes we all need that nudge to get things done, the Club community offers that encouragement and accountability to explore business challenges, set stretch goals, learn from others and get tasks ticked off.


Recharge your focus and spark for business and your life.